The author I'm speaking of is no other than R. L. Stine, creative mind behind such "awesome" series as Goosebumps and the Fear Street books.
In honor of Stine's incredibly under-credited and often cheesy work, and because I recently stumbled upon an amazing blog dedicated to recapping and poking fun at Stine's work (see Fear Street Blog here), I've written a short continuation of one of his more beloved tales, 99 Fear Street: The House of Evil.

It's needless to say, but I both love and loathe these stories, all of which enough to write this short, unofficial continuation titled The Second-and-a-half Horror, which takes place between the second and third 99 Fear Street novels.
99 Fear Street: The House of Evil
the Second-and-a-half Horror
the Second-and-a-half Horror
A continuation of the
99 Fear Street: The House of Evil trilogy by R.L. Stine
By Christopher P. Waltz
Note: The following takes place
between the events of R.L. Stine’s The Second Horror and The
Third Horror and is purely a work of
imaginative fiction based on Stine’s works. This story does not fall into an
official continuity in the 99 Fear Street: The House of Evil saga.
stepped out of her mother’s beat up old Plymouth and stared at the house before
her. It, like most of the other houses on Fear Street, had once been nice, but
suffered neglect over the years and now seemed more creepy and menacing than
anything. It wasn’t hard to believe though, as the realtor, Mr. Lurie, had told
them that the house’s previous tenants had stayed only a short time, and the
family’s stay before them had been even shorter.
Of course,
this wasn’t the house they were moving into, just the one they were renting for
the weekend while they tried to find a reasonably priced house in Shadyside.
Aside from Fear Street, most of the rest of the town seemed pretty normal. And
as long as they escaped all the scrutiny they’d faced in Edgetown, Margot
didn’t care where they lived.
“Home sweet
home?” Margot’s mother, Sharon, asked as she stood behind her awe-struck
“Hardly, but
I guess it beats being called slasher-chick at school.” Margot answered,
flipping her hair over her shoulder and glaring back at her mom, who answered
her sarcasm with a saddened smiled.
Though no
one in Shadyside knew, Margot Hagen’s family had become front-page news when
her uncle decided to go on a homicidal rampage, stalking and murdering several
teenage babysitters in their sleepy town. And while Margot hadn’t even spoken
to her uncle in several years, not since his daughter had died, having the same
last name had sealed the deal and she and her little brother, Derek, had been
tormented in school so badly that their mother had made the decision to move
halfway across the country to help them escape it.
“You won’t
have to worry about any of that here,” Ms. Hagen said, squeezing Margot’s
shoulder. Derek, who was eleven, ran past them excitedly and began peering
through the house’s dust-covered windows. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I want to
see inside!” Derek called back, his hands still cupped over his eyes as he
stared into the house. Moments later, he leapt back from the glass, almost
toppling over his own feet, and let out a frightened yelp.
“What is
wrong with you?” Margot asked. She was an average-looking girl with
shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes. And while she hadn’t been the most
popular girl at her old school, she had decided that missing her best friends
June and Gwen was going to be the worst part of leaving Edgetown behind
forever. At least in Shadyside, she might be able to meet a nice boy who didn’t
have to worry about her insane uncle trying to kill him if he got too close to
“I… I saw
someone inside.” Derek gasped, backing away from the window even further and
glancing over his shoulder to his mother and sister. “There was a girl inside.
She walked right past the window!”
Ms. Hagen
let out a slightly annoyed laugh at her son. “Derek, no one is inside. All the
doors are locked and we can’t even get in until Mr. Lurie shows up with the
spare key.”
“No, I saw
her, I swear!” Derek cried out, but Ms. Hagen paid him no attention as Mr.
Lurie seemingly appeared out of nowhere, walking up the Fear Street sidewalk
towards the family, dangling a set of keys in between his fingers.
afternoon, Mr. Lurie.” Ms. Hagen said, shaking his free hand smiling at the
aging man. “Thanks for bringing the keys by on a Saturday. I can’t believe I
forgot to take them when we talked last week.”
Mr. Lurie
smiled, his lips curling over his teeth. “It’s not a problem! 99 Fear Street
and I go way back, and it’s my pleasure to help you out while you look for the
perfect house right here in Shadyside.”
turned away so that neither Mr. Lurie nor her mother could see her rolling her
eyes. She knew full-well that as soon as her family left, a film crew would be
setting up shop in the house, getting last minute details laid out for the
horror movie that was to be filmed in the house a few months later. Lurie had
sealed the deal with the production company and the real estate office, meaning
that he would be making more than a pretty penny from the rental. Why else
would he have helped her mother rent the house for a weekend at such a cheap
As Mr. Lurie
and Ms. Hagen continued to exchange pleasantries, Margot made her way to the
car and opened the back door and letting her golden retriever, Rupert, out to
explore. As the dog started to trot away, she grabbed his leash from her pocket
and hooked it onto his collar.
“Derek, want
to come with me while I walk Rupert? It might be fun to explore the town.”
Margot called to her brother as he continued to stare at the house as if
studying it intensely. Margot stepped forward and bent down to eye level with
Derek, snapping her fingers in front of his face. He snapped out of his
apparent trance, startled.
“What?” He
“I’m taking
Rupert for a walk. Let’s go.”
minutes later the two were walking through the middle of town, taking in the
sights and realizing how similar Shadyside was to every other town they’d ever been in when Derek let out an
elongated sigh, catching Margot’s attention. Though the two were six years
apart in age, they got along pretty well for brother and sister.
“What is
it?” Margot asked, knowing she would regret it as soon as the words had passed
her lips.
hesitated as if her knew what he was about to say was ridiculous and
impossible, but he answered anyway. “I really did see someone in the house when
I was peeking inside.”
Margot began.
“No, I
swear! It was a girl with long blonde hair! She went right past the window and
looked right at me!” He argued, raising his voice. “She smiled at me, Mar!”
Margot was
at a loss for words, as she knew there was no such thing as ghosts. But at the
same time, why would Derek make something like this up? It was possible that he
didn’t want to make the move to Shadyside, but that seemed pretty farfetched
since he had been as much a victim of bullying back home as she had.
She put her
hand on Derek’s head and ruffled his shaggy hair, smiling at him. “Even if you
did see some kind of spook, we are only staying in the house for two nights and
then heading back home until we move. You have nothing to worry about.”
promise?” He asked, contemplating her words.
“Yes, I
The two
turned to continue walking but stopped immediately as they discovered a guy,
about Margot’s age, standing in front of them. He looked at them suspiciously
and bent down to pet Rupert. He had long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes; if
these were the kind of guys that lived in Shadyside, Margot found herself
suddenly more eager to move than she had been before.
“Nice dog,”
He said nonchalantly. “’I’m Parker.”
Margot let
out a nervous laugh. “I’m Margot and this is my little brother, Derek.”
“No offense,
but this is a pretty small town and I don’t think I know you. Are you new
around here?”
“Not yet,”
Margot joked as Derek rolled his eyes. “We’re just visiting for the weekend
while our mom looks for a house to move into. We should be moving into town
within a month or two though.”
expression of understanding appeared on Parker’s face as he crossed his arms
over his chest almost nervously, breaking eye contact with Margot and now
focusing on almost anything but her. With his eyes staring firmly at a nearby
tree, he asked “Are you the folks staying at 99 Fear Street?”
Derek spoke
up before Margot could rationalize how Parker knew this about them. “Yeah,
we’re staying at that haunted old dump.” Rupert let out a low bark as if to
agree with the statement.
didn’t speak, but continued to stare at the tree. Margot waved her hand in
front of him and he once again focused on her. “Is there a problem?” Her voice
came out a little more condescending than she’d intended, a problem Margot had
encountered more than once in her life. “I mean, my brother’s been acting a
little silly since we got into town. He thinks the house is haunted and that he
saw some kind of ghost-girl through the window.”
didn’t seem shocked at all by the comment and only nodded his head.
“What, you
don’t actually think it’s haunted too, do you?” Margot prodded. “It’s a creepy
house, but most of the houses on that street look like they could use some
“Yeah, Fear
Street had a bit of a reputation in Shadyside. But that aside, 99 Fear Street
has more than a reputation; it has a legacy.”
“What are
you talking about?” Derek asked, both frightened and interested.
continued even though Margot’s expression said she wasn’t buying it. “That
ghost girl you saw was probably Cally Frazier. The house was empty for thirty
years until earlier this year when the Fraziers moved in. They seemed like a
perfect little family with a mom, dad, twin daughters, and a little boy, but things
started turning really weird, really fast. I didn’t know the twins well, but
rumors spread around school fast that something bad was going on in the house.
And no one can say for sure, but one day, the whole family just packed up and
left,” Parker hesitated now, letting the story sink in for Margot and Derek.
“Only, when they left, Mr. Frazier was blind, Mrs. Frazier had a broken arm,
and they left without Cally and the
little brother.”
scoffed and threw her arms into the air, aggravated. “Do you really expect us
to believe this, Parker?”
“It’s all
true, Margot. You can ask anyone in this town what they think of 99 Fear Street
and they will tell you that it’s a house of evil.”
Margot had
had enough, beginning to lead both Rupert and Derek away, but Parker’s voice
stopped them again. “It didn’t stop with the Frazier family, you know. Crazy,
evil stuff kept happening when the next family moved in a few months later. My
ex-girlfriend Meg almost died when she was visiting the guy who lived there. She
got impaled by some tribal hunting spear and almost bled to death. She said
something evil was in the house.”
“So what
happened to this next family, Parker?” Margot asked.
“Yeah, what
happened?” Derek chimed in, his voice cracking slightly.
Parker let
out a sigh and shuffled his feet momentarily. “Basically the same thing
happened to them as what happened to the Fraziers. They moved out a few weeks
later, but without their son.” Parker paused for a moment, letting Margot and
Derek take in the information. Neither of them seemed as skeptical as before. “The
rumor is that he died in the house, just like Cally and her brother. Of course,
no one can prove it.”
tugged at his leash, snapping Margot out of her thoughts. “We really need to
get going. But if you wanted to tell us a little more about the house, you
could stop by for dinner. I don’t think our mom would mind.”
hesitated, running his hand through his thick, blonde hair and letting out a
nervous laugh. He’d never been inside 99 Fear Street and honestly had never
wanted to experience the house for himself. After all, ghost stories were only
fun when they happened to other people.
wrong?” Margot asked. “Are you scared?”
Not wanting
to seem like a scaredy-cat, Parker scoffed at Margot’s question. “I’m in. I’ll
come by the house around seven, if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course
it is. Do you need directions?”
Parker shook
his head. “No, everyone in Shadyside knows where 99 Fear Street is.”
later, Margot and Derek were on their way back to the house while Parker was
walking in the opposite direction. It had become suddenly overcast, though the
weather report on the radio had called for sunny skies. The wind picked up and
Margot found herself thinking about the things Parker had told them about the
house. Was it possible that something
had caused terrible things to happen to the people who had lived there before?
And if not, what had actually happened to Meg, Parker’s ex-girlfriend?
being really quiet,” Derek said as they walked towards the front door of the
house. By the looks of things, their mother was still out looking for a house.
Yet, when the duo came to the door, Margot quickly noticed that it was not only
unlocked, but standing just slightly ajar.
couldn’t help but think about her crazy uncle in Edgetown and instinctively
stopped Derek from walking into the house before her. “Wait here,” She said in
a stern and serious voice.
Margot was three steps into the house, Derek stepped in behind her. “No way;
I’m staying with you.”
Though they
would only be staying in the house for two nights, it had been completely
furnished, complete with beds. Margot wasn’t sure if it was furniture left
behind by the previous owners, since they supposedly left in such a hurry, or
if it was new furniture that had been moved in by the movie production crew.
The movie wasn’t set to start filming for another couple of months, but Margot
didn’t know how soon they started getting things ready beforehand.
As they
stepped through the house, nothing seemed out of place. The house was in need
of some repairs, but both kids could tell that it had been very nice at some
point in time. Perhaps, thirty years ago, it had been the nicest house on Fear
Street, or maybe even in Shadyside, but now the wallpaper was peeling back and
a musky basement smell had overtaken the entire first floor. Margot didn’t want
to think about what the second floor smelled like.
“Maybe mom
left the door open. Maybe she didn’t want us to get locked out.” Derek
shrugged, still holding onto the back of Margot’s sweater.
probably right,” she agreed.
Just as
Margot turned to walk towards the kitchen, she and Derek both heard a creaking
noise coming from behind them. Margot was about to pretend as if she hadn’t
heard anything, but Derek froze, making eye contact with her and refusing to
break it. His eyes were wide and frightened, as if he suddenly remembered that
even if their mom had left the door open, he had still seen something, or
someone, when he was peeking through the windows.
“What was
that?” Derek asked in a hushed voice as if it would keep the blonde ghost-girl
from knowing where he was in the house.
mouth gaped slightly in disbelief. “It sounded like a door opening… or maybe
closing. Let’s just go into the kitchen and get something to drink. We’re just
overreacting because of the stories Parker told us.”
Derek was
less than convinced, but followed his older sister into the kitchen where she
went to the fridge and asked him what he wanted to drink. His options were
limited though, as they had only brought with them enough food to get through
the weekend.
“Pepsi or
Coke?” Margot asked, peering into the fridge. “And let me give you a hint:
Derek laughed
at her as she tossed him the glass bottle and closed the fridge door. However,
the bottle slipped from between Derek’s fingers and crashed onto the kitchen
floor, shattering into thousands of tiny, sharp shards and sending soda across
the entire room.
groaned, ignoring the look of horror on Derek’s face as she reached for a towel
that had been laying on the counter. “Way to go, doofus! This is going to take
forever to clean up!”
remained speechless, but managed to point his finger directly behind Margot.
His expression of terror took his sister by surprise as she quickly spun around
to see what had caused it.
Behind her
stood a short, plump, bearded man in coveralls who had seemingly appeared out
of nowhere. Letting out a yelp, Margot threw herself backwards, slipping on the
spilled Pepsi, and came crashing violently to the floor. She let out another,
slightly more agonizing scream as the palm of her hand made contact with
several shards of broken soda bottle.
The man
stepped forward, without words, and reached his large, dirty hands toward her
as she let out another scream. Derek instinctively dove behind the kitchen
table and covered his eyes. The last thing he wanted to see was his older
sister getting dragged helplessly into the basement by an overweight bumpkin of
a ghost.
later, two women came running into the room from different directions. Ms.
Hagen, who had just gotten home, and the other woman, who neither Derek nor
Margot recognized, both ran towards the now bleeding and crying girl on the
floor. The plump man stooped before her, now drawing his hand away as he saw
that it had apparently terrified the girl.
“What is
going on?” Ms. Hagen demanded in both fear and shock as she examined Margot’s
hand. The teenager winced, but allowed her mother to pick a tiny fleck of glass
from the red skin.
“Who are
these people?” Derek demanded, still hiding behind the table. “He attacked us!”
The woman,
who Margot decided was one of those women who looked a lot older than she
really was, turned her attention to Derek, who instinctively crab walked away
from her. A grandmotherly smile appeared on her face. “Oh, dear, I guess we
haven’t been introduced properly, have we?” She asked.
Margot nor Derek answered her, but stared at her disbelievingly.
“I’m Mrs.
Nordstrom, the housekeeper, and this is the handyman, Mr. Hankers. We were
hired by Mr. Lurie to keep the house looking nice until the movie starts being
filmed later in the year. We met your mother the first time she visited the
house, and well, I assumed she’d told you about us.”
looked to Derek who looked to Ms. Hagen with a questioning glare on his face.
“Well?” He asked.
Ms. Hagen
shrugged innocently. “I guess it must have slipped my mind. I’ve been so busy
looking for a house that I really must have forgotten to tell you.”
Nordstrom opened one of the cabinets above the oven and pulled out a box of
bandages that looked as if they had been there for a long time. She blew a
layer of dust from atop the box and opened them, pulling one out. As she
kneeled down in front of Margot, taking her cut hand in her own, she said “You
might want to have a doctor look at this, but this bandage will do for now.”
nodded almost suspiciously.
Hankers, could you get me the hydrogen peroxide from the bathroom?” Mrs.
Nordstrom asked as Hankers nodded and dashed off towards the bathroom. Moments
later, he returned with a half-full bottle in his hand.
“You seem to
really know your way around the place.” Margot pointed out as Mrs. Nordstrom
wiped at the bleeding cut.
hesitated only briefly, breaking eye contact with Margot and focusing on the
bandage she was now applying. “Oh, well, Mr. Hankers and I have both worked at
this house for a very long time. 99 Fear Street and I go way back.”
“So you know
about all the horrible stuff that happened here?” Margot asked, not backing
Nordstrom stood, helping Margot back to her feet as well. Mr. Hankers cleaned
up the mess around them as Mrs. Nordstrom seemingly ignored Margot’s question.
“She’s as good as new. I doubt she’ll need stitches, but like I said, a doctor
may want to look at the cut. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to
polishing the banister.”
Ms. Hagen
nodded as Nordstrom scurried out of the room like a rat and disappeared around
the corner. Ms. Hagen then turned to her daughter with a questioning look on
her face. “What are you talking about, Margot? What horrible stuff?”
paused. “Derek and I met a boy when we were walking Rupert. He told us about
all kinds of weird stuff that has happened here in the past few years. People
died here, mom.”
Ms. Hagen said in disbelief. “Your brother is going to get scared again.”
“It’s all
true! You can ask Parker yourself… since I asked him over for dinner.”
Ms. Hagen
rolled her eyes, knowing full-well why her daughter had invited Parker over for
dinner. She shook her head, unable to suppress a small laugh. “Derek, set an
extra place at the dining table. And I guess I should get to cooking then.”
smiled and turned to leave the room, stepping carefully over the pile of broken
glass that Mr. Hankers swept silently.
An hour
later the doorbell rang and Margot leapt in front of Mrs. Nordstrom before she
could open the door. The woman stepped back, surprised by being cut off, and
raised her hands in defeat as Margot pulled the front door open with a smile.
“Hi,” she
said to Parker, who stood before her. His face had a nervous smile on it and he
seemed hesitant to enter the house.
He let out a
small laugh and scratched the back of his head as Mrs. Nordstrom walked away
from the couple. “I have to admit, I almost chickened out.” He said. “And I’ll
honestly say I wasn’t expecting you to have a housekeeper.”
turned to lead Parker towards the dining room where her mother had prepared a
delicious meal with what little supplies they had in the house. This meant that
they would be dining on a fine dinner of spaghetti, pasta sauce, and
oven-heated dinner rolls. “There’s a handyman, too. They kind of came with the
house.” She stated nonchalantly.
After Margot
had introduced Parker to her mother and reintroduced him to Derek, the three
four sat down at the dining table, digging into their spaghetti. At first, they
made small talk, but seemed to quickly run out of trivial things to discuss
after Parker asked what had happened to Margot’s bandaged hand. She quickly
told the story and then changed the subject just as fast.
“So, is
there anything else you haven’t told us about the house?” She was smiling
widely at Parker.
He thought
for a moment, shaking his head. “I think I’ve told you the worst of it.” Derek
instinctively let out a sigh and sat back in his chair, relieved. “But, I guess
I didn’t tell you how it all started. I mean, none of the horrible stuff would
have happened if it weren’t for the guy who had the house built.”
Ms. Hagen
took a drink from her wine glass and sat it back down. “How do you know all
this, Parker?”
“Well, Ms.
Hagen, this house has become a legend in Shadyside. Everyone knows its history and how it’s… well, how it’s cursed.
That is everyone except for new people in town like you.”
She nodded,
choosing to accept this as a reasonable answer and motioned for Parker to
continue his story. As much as she didn’t believe a word coming out of his
mouth, she had been intrigued from the start and didn’t want him to end his
campfire tales.
“This house
is built on an old graveyard,” Parker began as Margot, Derek, and Ms. Hagen
watched him intently. “They were such old graves that the guy who had the house
built, had it built on top of them instead of moving them. Now, there are
dozens of coffins just six feet under this house’s foundation and the spirits
who they belong to are not too happy about it.”
“So, has bad
stuff been happening here since this place was built back in the sixties?”
Derek asked, twirling his fork in the plate of pasta before him.
“Oh yeah,
the first family never even moved in. The man left his wife and kids for just a
minute and when he came back… that was it, they were all dead. The story says
that their heads had been ripped from their bodies. Mr. Lurie couldn’t handle
that, so he killed himself right in that front room.” Parker finished, pointing
over Ms. Hagen’s shoulder to the foyer.
Ms. Hagen
choked on her wine and cleared her throat loudly. “What did you say the name
“The people
who had this house built? They were the Lurie family.”
“Mom, what
is it?” Margot asked, examining her mother’s concerned and surprised
Ms. Hagen
shook her head and smiled calmly. “It’s nothing, Margot, just a coincidence.
The realtor who offered the house to us for the weekend was named Mr. Lurie.”
As she spoke, Ms. Hagen stood from her seat and carried her empty plate into
the kitchen. She called back to the dining room loud enough for everyone to
hear, “I’m sure it’s just a distant relative of the man who had this house
built thirty years ago.”
A look of
concern washed over Parker’s face as Margot shrugged to him, silently asking
what was wrong. “No one with the last name Lurie has lived in Shadyside since
that happened. As far as I know, there are
no other Luries.” He whispered to her across the table.
Margot could answer, a shriek rang out from the kitchen, causing both Margot
and Parker to leap from their seats and exit the room, leaving Derek frozen,
terrified in his seat.
“Mom, what
is it?” Margot asked as she stood behind her mother, peering over her shoulder.
Ms. Hagen didn’t have to answer though, as a loud gurgling noise erupted from
the faucet where what could only be described as rancid, green slime poured
into the sink, covering the plate Ms. Hagen had just been eating off of.
“What is
it?” Ms. Hagen cried, covering her nose and mouth with her hand.
“It smells
like sour milk!” Parker called out, his face contorting as the smell invaded
his nostrils.
“Turn is
off! Turn it off!” Margot commanded, reaching for the faucet. She pulled her
arm back quickly as the slime popped and fizzled, barely missing her arm as
some seemingly leapt from the sink.
“It is off!” Ms. Hagen yelled.
commotion went on for several more minutes as the trio tried to think of a way
to make the sludge stop spraying from the faucet. The sink was backing up
quickly and it wouldn’t be long before the goo was overflowing onto the counter
and dripping onto the floor. It didn’t take long for them to realize that there
was nothing they could do and that this might have been a job even too big for
Mr. Hankers.
“Leave it!
We’ll call a plumber!” Ms. Hagen bellowed, taking several steps away from the
The three of
them found themselves back in the dining room as Margot closed the door leading
into the kitchen, hoping to block the putrid smell and noise of the groaning
kitchen pipes that seemed to block out every other sound around them.
Ms. Hagen
slumped into her chair and wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. “What would
cause something like that?”
breathing heavily, shook his head at her. “It’s the house. The house is doing
Ms. Hagen began. “Your stories were creepy and fun, but it’s just a house.
Nothing like that can really happen. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for
everything that has happened here over the years… If any of the stories are
even true.” However, Ms. Hagen seemed to question her own answer as she looked
back at the kitchen door, where green slime was slowly beginning to seep out
from under the closed doorway.
The group
decided to move into the living room where Ms. Hagen could call a plumber, but
stopped as a whole before exiting the dining room.
“Mom, where’s
Derek?” Margot asked, noticing that his seat was empty, the chair lying on its
side on the floor.
Before Ms.
Hagen could come up with a fitting answer, a shrill, boy-like scream rang out
through the house, sending chills down everyone’s spines. Ms. Hagen’s eyes went
wide as she realized that the cry could only belong to one person, Derek.
The group ran into the foyer of the house, looking around for
any sign of Derek and trying to place where the scream had actually come from.
The house had two main floors, an attic, and a basement, meaning that Derek
could be crying out from any of them. He was nowhere to be found and had yet to
make another noise.
Ms. Hagen brought her hand to her mouth in fear. “Where is
he?” She pleaded.
The house seemed to moan and creek around them, as if alive.
Another scream rang out, matching the one that had happened
first. It sounded as if it were coming from the basement, whose door was
standing ajar across the room. Out of pure instinct, Ms. Hagen, Margot, and
Parker ran to the basement steps and trudged down them, ignoring the fact that
they very well could have been marching to their immediate deaths for all they
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Ms. Hagen glanced
around the dark room for any sign of her son. The room seemed to be empty, but
it was too dark to tell. Margot reached for the light switch on the wall and
flicked it on, illuminating the area in a soft orange glow.
What they saw terrified them, freezing them in a pose of
shock and horror. Derek stood in the center of the room, and though he was not
dead, as Ms. Hagen had half-expected him to be, he was surrounded by dozens of
large, furry, hissing rats. His hand covered his mouth to keep him from crying
out again and tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Derek!” Margot cried out, not daring to leave the bottom
step out of fear that the rats would attack her or even her little brother for
that matter. As of right now, the rodents seemed content, sniffing Derek and
occasionally nibbling at his shoelaces.
Suddenly, loud bangs became to clamor through the house above
them as if cannons were going off in the hallways. Ms. Hagen, Margot, and
Parker all instinctively ducked as clouds of dust began to fall from the
ceiling above them.
“This house is evil!” Parker cried, taking a step backwards
on the stairs, back towards the main floor.
Margot turned to him and cried out, “Please, wait! We have to
get Derek!”
Parker shook his head as he turned to run the rest of the way
up the stairs. From the landing, he called down to Margot, “I’m not staying
here! I’m not dying here like Cally, Brandt, and all the others! Forget this!”
And before Margot could beg him to stay, Parker was gone,
vanishing from sight as he dashed off towards the front door of the house.
Above them, as Ms. Hagen attempted to slowly walk her way towards Derek and the
crowed of rats surrounding him, Margot could hear the banging grow louder and
louder until another shrill scream rang through the house, this one almost
definitely belonging to Parker. He cried out once more as the sound of
shattering glass and breaking furniture filled their ears, and then all was
As the noise ceased, even the rats seemed to calm down and
back away from Derek, as if frightened of what was going on around them, as if
they had been a trance the entire time.
Ms. Hagen took this lull in action as an opportunity to grab
her son by the arm and lead him out of the basement and onto the stairs, where
the three of them climbed to the main floor, hoping for safety.
“What happened here?” Ms. Hagen inquired as she took in the
view around her. The living room had been seemingly ripped to shreds by an
unseen force and blood was now splattered on the once-clean walls. Though no
one would say it out loud, they all knew the blood belonged to Parker.
The entire house seemed to vibrate around them with a force
more powerful than anything Margot had ever imagined. Pictures fell from the
walls, the glass frames shattering amongst the already ruined furniture. The
chandelier in the foyer swung to and fro as if strong winds were sweeping
through the house. The green slime had now built up so much pressure against
the kitchen door that it had buckled, allowing putrid green gunk to flow into
the dining room.
“We have to get out of here before it’s too late for all of
us!” Margot shouted as the banging noises returned with ferocity. She took her
mother by the hand and began to walk towards the front door.
“What about your friend?” Ms. Hagen asked with a look of
shock on her face.
Margot gestured towards the blood-stained living room and
briefly considered the fact that though it seemed likely that Parker had been
ripped to pieces in the room, there was no body to speak of, meaning there was
a small chance he was still alive.
Before speaking, she turned to the main staircase, terrified
by what she saw. Walking down the stairs towards them were several transparent
people, all in various stages of gore. In the back of the crowd were Mr.
Hankers and Mrs. Nordstrom, splattered with blood and smiling wildly. In front
of them was Mr. Lurie, the realtor, or more accurately the original owner of 99
Fear Street, his neck bruised and a noose resting against his shoulder. Next to
Mr. Lurie was a bloody, eviscerated mess that Margot could only assume had once
been Parker. And in the very front of the pack was a young woman who Margot had
never seen before. She had long blonde hair and wore an angry yet satisfied
expression on her face.
Cally Frazier.
“We leave now.” Margot commanded, reaching behind her for the
doorknob and practically pushing her mother and brother onto the front lawn of
the house. She then toppled onto the ground next to them as she lost her
The air around them was cool and a slight breeze ran through
the night as Margot pulled herself to her feet, breathing heavily. Ms. Hagen
did the same, stopping to help Derek up, who seemed more in shock than any of
Margot expected the house to be crumbling in front of her,
but was surprised to see that it looked exactly the same is it did when they
had arrived earlier that day. No one could have guessed that only moments
before, the house itself seemed to have come alive and chaotic destruction had
ensued within its walls.
“What now?” Margot asked.
Ms. Hagen took a few steps towards the old Plymouth and
fished around in her jeans pockets for her car keys. She pulled them out and
dangled them in front of her two children who stumbled and limped towards the
Once safely inside the Plymouth, Ms. Hagen started the
ignition and buckled her seatbelt, smiling slightly.
“I hear there are some nice houses in Waynesbridge.” She said
as they pulled out of the driveway and left 99 Fear Street behind them forever.
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