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Showing posts from 2014

Dead Oaks:The Dare by Eric Valek

This week's Dead Oaks  story comes from a very talented friend of mine, Eric Valek. If you like this story and would like to write your own entry in the Dead Oaks  anthology, contact me via  Twitter  or  Facebook .            At some point in one’s life, the desire to escape may become overbearing, almost obsessive- and for some, this desire may be fulfilled, and even prove beneficial. But for those who truly have a need to run, to evade what they have done or what life has befallen upon them.. Sometimes the past never truly leaves. And in Dead Oaks, I learned, the past is never truly behind.             I am a graduate of Michigan State University, 2012- a major in Fine Arts, a degree that I quickly learned had little fruit to bear, but my persistence and my experience urged me to pursue it to the end, and finally, I achieved my goal- but at a large cost. In 2011,...

An Introduction to Dead Oaks

What is this Dead Oaks ? you're probably asking. Well, lucky for you, I'm here to give you a quick introduction before things get kicked off! And let me tell you, big things are (hopefully) happening soon here at One [Word] at a Time... If you've read this blog before, then you probably already know I'm a BIG fan of horror , even if I don't write it all that often. However, that's all about to change, as I've been working on a brand spankin' new, web-only writing project called, if you haven't guessed already, Dead Oaks . The best part of all this? I want YOUR help! The goal of Dead Oaks is simple: Each week I am going to upload a new, terrifying, spine-tingling, underwear-soiling, sleep-with-the-lights-on short story all revolving around the same town, a place where nightmare creatures live among normal people like you and me. All of these stories can fit together into an anthology, or can be read individually with no repercussions f...