Dead Oaks: A Horror Anthology Podcast from BronzeCast Productions is now accepting submissions for our bi-weekly (every two weeks) episodes! Basically, how it works is this: chosen stories will be turned into podcast episodes read either by the author or by a Dead Oaks cast member, depending on the author's preference. Also, each story will be published on with full credit given to the author. However, there are some guidelines. Read them below: Story Submission Guidelines: Dead Oaks stories must be: original, unpublished works of short fiction between 2,000 and 5,500 words EDIT: Word count IS negotiable. We recently accepted a story of 912 words because it was AMAZING. EDIT: Dead Oaks will accept reprints of stories so long as the author has legal rights to publish said story. This also applies to stories that have been previously published on forum websites or blogs (i.e. Reddit). submitted in double space, 12 point, sanserif font ...
A town where nightmares go to live forever... Dead Oaks is a horror anthology podcast with new episodes every other Sunday. Alternating between scripted and short story episodes, Dead Oaks features short horror fiction by writers from across the globe. Follow us on Twitter: @deadoakspodcast and find more at