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Showing posts from June, 2014

An Introduction to Dead Oaks

What is this Dead Oaks ? you're probably asking. Well, lucky for you, I'm here to give you a quick introduction before things get kicked off! And let me tell you, big things are (hopefully) happening soon here at One [Word] at a Time... If you've read this blog before, then you probably already know I'm a BIG fan of horror , even if I don't write it all that often. However, that's all about to change, as I've been working on a brand spankin' new, web-only writing project called, if you haven't guessed already, Dead Oaks . The best part of all this? I want YOUR help! The goal of Dead Oaks is simple: Each week I am going to upload a new, terrifying, spine-tingling, underwear-soiling, sleep-with-the-lights-on short story all revolving around the same town, a place where nightmare creatures live among normal people like you and me. All of these stories can fit together into an anthology, or can be read individually with no repercussions f